Monday, September 4, 2017

Creative Movement

n all of our grades, we have been working on creating movement that matches the music, and exploring different ways to move our bodies; this allows us to learn balance, spatial awareness of others, and how our bodies move within our own spaces. We really work hard on this with Kindergarten, so that they have the balance they need to go up and down stairs, do the fun physical activities in PE, and are aware of how their bodies act within relation to others around them.

Here we have Kindergarten playing the game "Musical Houses and Families." Students 'drive' around the neighborhood of hula hoops while the music plays. When the music stops, they must go to the nearest 'house' (hula hoop). The people within their hula hoop become their family, and from then on they must drive staying connected to their family. I take a hula hoop away each time the music stops until there is only one left, and we all become one great big family! This activity is great for kids who have a hard time moving around a space without bumping into others and things, and allows for the great community aspect of music to take affect!

Here is first grade playing Freeze Dance! When the music stops, they have to freeze in whatever shape the stick figure on a card I hold up is making! This really allows for the students to discover what kinds of ways their bodies can move, and allows for some laughs for all of us!

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